
A Christian Nation

In a Christian Nation there are two dynamics in play.  Government is instituted to maintain law and order and provide a safe environment for its citizens.  And the citizens need infrastructure to enable commerce and travel as needed. It is in the elections of government officials that the citizens are dependent on an informed electorate that will elect honest and knowledgeable people to provide means of commerce, regulations, and policing so that the citizens can live a life without embracing religious practices. It would seem that Christians would be the logical people to be elected.  But in a Republic, religious tests are not required.  There are many, not professing religious faith that, nonetheless are skilled in government. So religious practices are not a requirement for government positions.  Religious people can and should seek to win non-believers. A Christian Nation can only exist if the citizens are devoted disciples of God.  God interacts with the citizens in a seemingly ra
  Trump was lucky to follow Obama.   And he was lucky to lose to Biden.   The success that Trump claimed were the results of an extremely robust and stable economy during Obama's two terms in office.   The mess that Biden was handed was a broken supply line and inflation caused by Trump's embargo with China and the Federal Reserve printing 3 trillion dollars which also helped inflation.. Trump also claimed that 2024 will be our last election.   Hitler did the same.   On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government. The plotters hoped to march on Berlin to launch a national revolution. But the insurrection failed miserably. Units of the Munich police force clashed with Nazi stormtroopers as they marched into the city center. The police killed more than a dozen of Hitler’s supporters. This attempted coup d'état came to be known as the Beer Hall Putsch.     Trump led a failed insurrection just

Start using co pilot

Marriage of Evangelicals to Donald Trump

Compromising on a person's character creates a person who won't compromise.  Trump was lucky to follow Obama.  And he was lucky to lose to Biden.  The success that Trump claimed were the results of an extremely robust and stable economy during Obama's two terms in office.  The mess that Biden was handed was a broken supply line and inflation caused by Trump's embargo with China and the Federal Reserve printing 3 trillion dollars which also helped inflation.. Trump also claimed that 2024 will be our last election.  Hitler did the same.   On November 8–9, 1923, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party led a coalition group in an attempt to overthrow the German government. The plotters hoped to march on Berlin to launch a national revolution. But the insurrection failed miserably. Units of the Munich police force clashed with Nazi stormtroopers as they marched into the city center. The police killed more than a dozen of Hitler’s supporters. This attempted  coup d'état  came to

Conservatism & Multiculturalism

Conservatism is often associated with nostalgia.  We are a nation of immigrants.  Even our First Nation's people crossed the Bearing Sea/land bridge to North America.  Our nation owes our rich culture to immigrants from around the world.  In one respect all of our immigrants saw America as an opportunity the be free and free to carve a new stamp of culture and entrepreneurship that enabled America to be forward looking and not bound by centuries of "conserving' the cultures of the past.  It is the mistaken "conservative" view of culture that has impeded the success of people not considered to be Americans that has left some cultures behind and unable to generate generational wealth. It's easy for the majority population to blame poverty on the people living in poverty.  Only targeted groups in our population follow this pattern, while other immigrants continue to succeed and add to our economy (the richest in the world).   "Conservatives" object to

Reverent Submission

  (Hebrews 5:7-10 WEB) 7 Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to him that was able to save him from death, and was heard, in that he feared; 8 Though he was a Son, yet he learned obedience by the things which he suffered; 9 And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation to all them that obey him; 10 Called by God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Jesus submitted to His Father and was made perfect, because now He was the unblemished lamb that would cover the sins for those who accepted Him as their Savior and Lord.

Opening Ceremony Paris Olympics

  Create post JW Worcester Public Was the Opening Ceremony a criticism of Christianity? I think not! BUT in 2024 to reintroduce the practice of honoring Pagan Gods was offensive and not necessary. Haven't we all progressed beyond the pagan cultures of Europe? The table then transformed into a catwalk, as the drag queens and models took the stage in homage to Paris' fashion scene. The official X account for the Olympic Games shared photos of the moment and referenced the Greek god Dionysus. “The interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings,” read a tweet captioning the photos. But some connected the tableau to the biblical scene da Vinci portrayed in “The Last Supper,” when Jesus Christ and his apostles shared a final meal before the crucifixion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- as distasteful as this portion of the opening ceremony was, it was not deliberately anti-Christi