
Showing posts with the label Jim Crow

The Nuclear Family

  Representative Byron Donalds speaks to the black Nuclear Family/ Rep. Byron Donalds, a prominent supporter of former President Donald Trump, recently made controversial remarks comparing today’s Black culture with that of the Jim Crow era . During a June 4 event in Philadelphia, Donalds stated, “You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together.” He also claimed that more Black people were conservative during that time and voted conservatively. However, his comments drew criticism from Democrats and the Congressional Black Caucus. They argued that lionizing the Jim Crow era was factually inaccurate and outrageous. Vice President Kamala Harris also weighed in, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging true history rather than rewriting it 1 . Donalds later defended his comments on MSNBC, clarifying that he was not being nostalgic about Jim Crow. Instead, he was trying to highlight the higher marriage rates of Black Americans during that period compared to today, which have sin